Monday, October 29, 2012

Clinics Offer a Convenient Alternative

When patients aren't feeling well, walk in clinics often have the treatment they need. There are so many benefits to these types of facilities compared to the alternatives. The next time that you aren't feeling well remember that you don't have to call the doctor to schedule and appointment or wait a few hours in the hospital waiting room. You can see a physician, get a diagnosis and get information on how to take care of yourself.
Instead of the Doctor's Office
Have you ever had a tough time getting in to see your primary care physician? Do you need to call weeks in advance to get a regular appointment for your regular checkup? What happens when you wake up one morning and you just aren't feeling well? What happens when you are injured in an activity on a Friday afternoon or a Saturday morning? Instead of struggling to make arrangements with your doctor, walk in clinics provide the perfect alternative.
There is no need to make an appointment. If you don't feel well you can come by and see a doctor. You don't have to worry about whether or not your illness or injury merits the time it will take to see your primary care physician. You can come in right away, find out what is going on and receive treatment. Even if you just need a quick physical or the kids need immunizations, you may be able to stop by one of the urgent care facilities close by and get these things taken care of. Walk in clinics are a convenient alternative that fits into any family's schedule.
Instead of the Emergency Room
The wait time in an emergency room varies from location to location. While most facilities are open around the clock, they are not the best place to wait around to see a doctor. In severe situations, patients can wait hours before seeing anyone and even then, they may not be taken back to a room for quite some time after that. Because an emergency room is specifically for emergencies, if a patient arrives in an ambulance or has a more serious issue, everyone else is bumped back to care for this individual. While it makes sense medically, if you are a patient there is a good chance you are going to be experiencing some frustrating.
Walk in clinics are not meant for those suffering life-threatening emergencies. These cases are taken directly to the hospital. This instantly decreases the potential number of patients at these types of facilities. A set routine is established that involves taking incoming patients in for triage to assess what the problem is and what needs to happen next. From there, patients are called back to meet with a medical professional. Most people are out in a short time with a prescription, a remedy or some type of advice in hand.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The 4 Foods Types That May Be Holding You Back From Acheiving Your Fitness Goals

Keeping weight under control is a big part of any men's fitness program, centered on building muscle, and body shaping. But, managing weight is easier said than done, and many people when first starting out find it hard to get a handle on it.
It's pretty obvious that weight and diet go hand in hand but all too often you will hear people say that they have a balanced and nutritional diet, but just can't seem to lose those few extra unwanted pounds, and all the working-out in the world, does not seem to help. This is especially true when people are trying to develop a ripped, six-pack.
However, most people who find themselves in this predicament are either willingly or unknowingly eating foods that are ultimately holding them back from truly accomplishing their goals.
There are certain foods that can really put a brick wall between you and the body of your dream, and unless they are removed from your diet, you will always be one step too short of been where you need to be.
Processed Foods:
Processed foods are bad for any diet. They provide very little in the way of nutrients, minerals or any other nutritional substance, but they are very high in additives, sugars, fats, carbohydrates and sodium.
Processed foods are very handy, when time is tight, but you will end up paying in the long term, it is best to avoid them completely if possible.
French Fries & Chips:
Although French fries and Chips fall under the processed foods category, I wanted to single them out for special attention.
There are some who say that in moderation French fries and chips every now and then will do no harm (in regards to your workout goals), which is technically true, as long as you are willing to put the hours into working them back off. Why take two steps forward, and then take three back?
You see! Fries and chips consist of nothing but starch and trans-fats (The worst kind of fat). Trans-fats are commonly found in commercially baked and fried goods such as French fries, chips, cookies, cakes and doughnuts.
Sweets can seem small and harmless but they contain no nutrients and are mostly composed of simple carbohydrates from sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and a myriad of other sweeteners.
Sweets contain high quantities of carbohydrates which lead to excessive amounts of calories which can be stored as fat.
Sweets increase your body's blood sugar levels, which decrease your chances of having a carved six-pack.
The composition of Alcohol is much the same as sweets, in that in consists mainly of carbohydrates. You should limit your intake of alcohol to a bare minimum, and if you can avoid it completely.
Alcohol also causes you to dehydrate which goes against the grain! Excuse the pun. It is very important to stay constantly hydrated throughout the day, and when you work-out on a regular basis it is vital that your body does not become dehydrated.
There is light at the end of the tunnel!
It does not take a brain surgeon to figure out that removing the above mentioned foods from ones diet can only be beneficial, if you truly want to get the most from a men's fitness regime.
If you must eat chips, and sweet things then make them at home. Sure, it's a little more hassle and time consuming but it is time well spent.
A men's fitness diet which is focused on building muscle mass, does not have to be boring, bland and without variety, with a little forethought and some culinary skills you can recreate most of your favorite foods, but from healthy, beneficial ingredients.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Designing A Custom Fitness Routine

The key to designing a successful workout program is in knowing exactly what is that you want to accomplish. Maybe you want to lose weight, maybe you want to build-up your overall body muscle or maybe you want to get rid of that beer belly, and turn it into a rock-hard six-pack.
Knowing what you want to accomplish allows you to include the right exercises and routines into your workout program. Exercises, which meet your specific needs and enable you to get the results you desire.
Comprehensive men's workouts should include both cardio and weight exercises. The mix of which will be determined by what you want to achieve, and your current state of physical fitness.
If the primary concern is losing weight, then your focus will be largely on cardio-based routines, however, if you want to build muscle then your focus will be less on cardio and more on weight training.
An effective workout schedule will normally consist of a four to five day routine. This allows you ample time to work your body, while also ensuring that you get enough rest and recovery.
Of course, for some, it is simply not feasible to schedule four or five days a week for working-out, if this is the case you need to ensure that you are getting a complete and intensive workout, on the days that you can schedule.
An example of a basic five-day schedule focused on building overall body muscle mass, might look something like this…. Remember, the make-up of a schedule should reflect your personal plan
Monday: Chest and Triceps
Tuesday: Back and Biceps
Wednesday: Cardio and Abs
Thursday: Forearms and Legs
Friday: Upper Arms and Shoulders
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off
If you are very new to men's workouts, design a schedule that gradually increases your fitness and strength levels over time. Start-out with low-intensity cardio sessions and lightweight training exercises, and build from there. As your body grows in strength and fitness, you can increase the intensity of your cardio workouts, and the level and amount of weight based exercises.
It is a good idea to space-out your rest days. If you are working to a four-day schedule, you can have a workout day followed by a day of rest.
Rest and recovery time is as crucial to the muscle building process as the actual exercises and routines that you perform as part of your workout schedule. Without sufficient periods of rest your muscles will not repair themselves and you will find it hard to build muscle mass.
Another important aspect of a successful workout schedule is tracking. It is important that you track each of your sessions. This requires that you take detailed notes about the type of exercises you performed and the number of sets and reps that make-up each circuit. Tracking allows you to adjust your routines so that you get maximum benefit from the exercises you perform.
When you have your schedule in place it is important that you stick to it, this is the one commitment that you must make to yourself from the get go. Missing a workout out session here and there is inevitable. Things will come-up! However, you should not make a habit of it.
If you do miss a scheduled session (for some very good reason), try to make a little bit of time for quick twenty-minute intensive workout. While a twenty-minute workout may not be much, it is still much better than missing a scheduled session and doing nothing at all.
Men's workouts designed to build muscle will only be effective when based on a solid schedule, specifically tailored to meet your needs and goals.